Wednesday, November 9, 2011

To My Sweet 2 Month Old Baby Girl

My Sweet Sadiebug,

You are two months old.  When did this happen?  Half of me feels like we've had you forever and ever, and half of me feels like just ten minutes ago I was feeling you move around in my tummy.

This month you started to smile real, honest to goodness smiles, and you talk to us a little.  You are starting to get more on a schedule, which I am loving because I can predict your day a bit better than I could at the beginning.  You wake up around 7:30, eat, get a diaper change, and then we play.  You usually take 2 shorter naps in the morning, and then one longer and one shorter nap in the afternoon.  We pick up Daddy from work at 7, and you are so nice to stay awake and play with him until around 8:30, and then you go to sleep for the night.  You usually sleep until about 2 or 3, which means I am getting more sleep too (thank you), but I am still just awaiting the day you decide to sleep through the night.

You are so friendly and love to be held, talked to, and played with.  Last week Grandma Deana gave you a toy rattle and you actually held on to it, and cooed with delight.  You love the bouncer seat with the toy bar above it, and you love to bat at the little toy animals that hang down.  You talk to them too, like they are your friends.  You have started to sit up in your Bumbo, and love to sit in that while I cook dinner, watching me walk all around the kitchen.  This month you also discovered the Minnie Mouse magnet on our fridge, and love to sit close to her and look at her.  This, sweet Sadie, makes me so happy.  You may look like your daddy, but perhaps you have my personality in there, and with it a deep love for all things Disney.

Speaking of Disney, you were dressed up as Tinkerbell for Halloween, and you were the darn cutest little fairy I have ever seen.  I wish I could have bottled up your cuteness that day, because it made me extra giddy seeing you in your little costume.

You are holding your head up so good.  I seriously can't believe how strong you are getting!!  You always like to look around, checking the place out, and already do not like being held laying down because I don't think you can see as much.  When you are tired, and I'm holding you over my shoulder, you love to lift your head up, look around the room, and then snuggle your little head on my shoulder for a little rest.  I melt every single time you do this.  It never gets old.

You had your baby blessing this past Sunday.  Grandma Ilene made your blessing dress, and you were so gorgeous in it.  You were so good for the blessing, didn't make a peep the whole time.  Your daddy was nervous to give you his first blessing, but he did a wonderful job, and the spirit was so strong.  All eight of your grandparents came for the blessing, along with all your aunts, uncles, and cousins.  You are so loved by so many people, you lucky duck baby girl.

You got your two month shots yesterday afternoon, and I cried in the doctor's office longer than you did.  You got poked, and did a very loud scream, and I started to bawl.  By the time I picked you up and snuggled you, you had stopped crying, but it wasn't until after I had fed you, gotten you dressed, and back in your car seat that I finally stopped crying myself.  Later that night, though, was a different story.  You broke out in a fever, and cried hysterically for two hours straight.  It was no fun to watch you not feel well, knowing there wasn't anything I could do to take the pain away from you.  I snuggled with you all evening, hoping that maybe it would make you more comfortable and help you not feel alone.  When I am sick, I still want my mommy, so I wanted to be there for you. Just so you know, I will always be there for you, no matter what.

You are the most perfect little girl I could have ever asked for to be my daughter.  You have such a strong, sweet, and loving spirit.  Your personality is starting to show, and I can't wait to get to know you better this month.  I love you one billion percent, my sweet angel!



  1. She's getting so big so fast! And that little onesie she's in is super cute! I didn't know you guys blessed her. Sorry we missed it! Can't wait to meet her sometime and meet all these other little babies that will be making their appearance in the near future! Grandma Spence is getting lots of great grandbabies!

  2. Wow, thank you for sharing your letter and pictures with the rest of us. She is absolutely beautiful, and I am sure even more so in person. It gets better and better! Enjoy every moment, and if she'll cuddle...don't let go! Hehe. So glad you and your little family are so happy!
